- The repeats on the red/black gradient was approx 10.
- The mask used was "black to white", with
the black on outer edges.
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- If you would like to link to my Paint Shop Pro tutorial(s), please contact
me first, with your website url and group name. I would be happy to hear from you!
- I am sorry, but I do not allow my Paint Shop Pro tutorials to be saved and
distributed through emails or on other websites. All I will allow is a text link to
the specific page or my main tutorial page.
- Because of time restraints, I cannot answer
emails concerning Paint Shop Pro and problems with usage. I get many emails requesting help,
and I hate to have to say it, but I cannot offer Paint Shop Pro support anymore :-(
- Do not copy, redestribute, or claim any graphics or tutorials
as your own. Please do not link to any graphics from your webpages.
- Please respect my copyright and the other copyrights of others.
Thank you.
Website Design & Graphics created by debbieT
and DisDat Designs
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